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fotografija: Maj Pavček |
Na tole objavo sem kar malo pozabila, ob vseh prigodah v zadnjih dveh tednih. Petra Tkalčec, ki piše zanimiv blog Bag of Pretty, me je spet prijazno povabila k sodelovanju. Petra, ki živi v Budimpešti, soustvarja in piše tudi za EastOK Europe, spletno lifestyle revijo, ki je namenjena tistim, ki jih zanima dogajanje in umetniško vrenje v vzhodni Evropi.
Tokrat je želela predstaviti Zavod lab laar oziroma Majo in mene, kot ustanoviteljici in gonilni sili projekta. Intervju je kratek in poletno lahkoten, napisan je pa v angleškem jeziku. Te objave sem še posebno vesela, ker naju zanimajo tudi ustvarjalci iz sosednjih dežel. Če poznate kakšnega res zanimivega, kar z besedo na dan prosim.
With all the adventures in the last two weeks I was not very focused and so I have forgotten to mention you an lovely presentation of lab laar institute . Petra Tkalčec who writes an interesting blog Bag of Pretty, kindly invited me (and maja this time) once again to answer some questions. Petra, who lives in Budapest, is co-creating and writeing for EastOK Europe, online lifestyle magazine that is intended for those who want to fully enjoy the Easteren Europe.
This time, she wanted to present the Institute lab Laar and Maya and me, as the founder and driving force of the project. The interview was short and in the spiurit of summer lazyness and it is written in English language. This post I'm especially glad about this presentation us we are also very interested in artists from neighbor countries. If you know someone really interesting, I'll be more then pleased to hear your suggestions.
lepe ste:)