Barvna inspiracija / Color inspiration |
Gari Kasparov protiv cilog svita (Split) / Garry Kasparov against all ( Split) |
Že slab teden sem spet doma, sicer pa še vedno na nizkih obratih. Nič se mi ne prestavlja v višjo prestavo, čeprav vem, da bo kar treba.
Po dolgih letih sva se z U. in tokrat tudi s škorčki vrnila na
Hvar, v
Vrbosko, kjer imava krasne spomine in dobre prijatelje. Slednji so redki in zato še toliko bolj cenjeni. A veste tisto, ko se z nekom ne vidiš in ne slišiš 100 let, potem se pa srečaš in nadaljuješ točno tam, kjer si končal. Nobenih uvodov, nobenega tipanja, formalnih vprašanj in podobno. No, to je tisto pravo in kar šteje, zato imam take ljudi rada.
Sicer ne bom prav veliko govorila. Počitnice so bile super, to je jasno, kot je jasno tudi, da bi jih podaljšala še za dva tedna, če bi se dalo.
Po drugi strani pa sem vesela tudi vrnitve, vas dragih blogovskih prijateljev in novih izzivov, ki se rišejo v prihodnosti. Na zadnjem kolažu so verižice, ki so nastale na morju. Malo zato, ker šivalnega stroja ne morem nositi okrog, predvsem pa, ker je zabavno to nizanje perlic. Poleg slednjih sem s seboj nesla tudi akvarele in se po dolgem času spravila k slikanju. Skrajni čas, sploh glede na to, da je to ena izmed mojih ljubših oblik ustvarjanja, ko pozabim na čas in samo uživam. Samo tega vam zaenkrat še ne bom pokazala, rabim več časa in malo poguma.
Vrboska |
Balun / Beautiful beach |
Igranje z perlami / Playing with pearls |
It is allmost a week since I'am back home from hollidays, but it seems I still can't slip ito daily routine. Eaven tough I know I will have to, as sooner as better.
After many years U. and I, this time also with kids, returned back to Hvar, to lovely Vrboska, where we have wonderful memories and good friends. Such people are rare and therefore all the more appreciated. I´am talking about that great feeling when you meet someone you did not see or hear from for about 100 years, but then you meet and carry on exactly where you left off. No formal questions, no small talk you just start conversation like you saw each other last night. Well, that's what counts, and that's why I apriciate and love these kind of people.
The hollidays were great and I would love to have a few more weeks there, if that would be possible.On the other hand, I am also happy to be back and to hear from you, my precious blog friends. There are allso some interesting new challenges, waiting for me in the future. As the september is aproaching I'am getting more exited.
I've made some collages for you, a few impressions from great time We have spend on Hvar. This last one shows some new and totally diferent things I started playing with. Well, I could not take a sewing machine with me, so I took the pearls and my watercolors. Yes I paint to, but unfortunatly not enough offten, since that is one of my favorite art form. I intend to show you my paintings and drawings once, but not now. I need some more time and curage.