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fotofrafirala Ana Bulat |
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fotografirala Ana Bulat |
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fotografirala Ana Bulat |
Te fotografije sem vam hotela pokazati ob eni drugi priložnosti, ki se pa žal malo oddaljuje. Ker sem preveč nestrpna, poleg tega sem vam pa zadnjič obljubila, da pokažem in povem nekaj več, vam jih na ogled postavljam danes.
Verižice so nastale poleti in glavni povod oziroma inspiracija je bila verižica, ki mi jo je podarila Ana. V trgovino sem se odpravila po nove čopiče za akvarele, da se bom z risanjem kratkočasila na dopustu. Potem pa me je pogled na steno, kjer so bile razstavljene perle v tisoč in enem odtenku, čisto prevzel. S seboj na morje sem potem poleg kupa knjig in akvarelov vzela še škatlo s perlami. Kasneje sem ugotovila, da je me je nizanje perl prav zasvojilo, sicer bi prebrala še kakšno knjigo več iz tistega pripravljenega kupčka. Pa nič hudega, sem se pač zatekla še k drugi obliki sproščanja. Kar je super, še posebno zato ker sem zadovoljna s tem kar je nastalo in kočno sem lahko uporabila tudi pom pome in cofke, ki so mi tako zelo všeč. V glavi si že rišem nove barvne kombinacije in iščem primerno volno za pom pome, slednjih bo v novi seriji več, precej več :).
Ker je Ana pomagala celo zadevo zakuhati ( in to zna dobro, ane?), sem jo prosila, da mi verižice tudi fotografira. Njene fotografije hrane so mi že tako ali tako navdušujoče in prepričana sem bila, da me bo tudi tokrat očarala. Mene je zelo, kako se zdi pa vam?
Vesela bom tudi vašega mnenja glede verižic, kajti jaz sem pristranska :).
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fotografirala Ana Bulat |
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fotografirala Ana Bulat |
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fotografirala Ana Bulat |
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fotografirala Ana Bulat |
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fotografirala Ana Bulat
I wanted to show you these photos on other occasion, but unfortunately everithing is not going as we planed so I became too impatient. I also promised you the last time to show and tell you more about my new obssesion. So I'am doing it this time.
I started createing necklaces this Summer and the main reason was the inspiration or necklace that Ana gave it to me. Bifore we were off to the seaside I went to buy new brushes for watercolors. I intendet to entertain myself and practice my drawing skills on holiday. But then I saw the wall, where they had exhibited pearls in thousands of different shades, and fell in love. I bought a lot of them and took that box of beads together with a pile of books and watercolos to holidays. Later I realized that I was addicted to beading right, otherwise I would read at least one more book from that pile. Now I realize I find myself a new way of relaxation. Which is great, especially because I'm happy with what has occurred and allso finally I can use those colorfull pom poms and tessels, wich I allways liked so much. I'am drawing new color combinations and colections in my head. I'm pretty sure it is going to have a lot more of pom poms and tessels, but that is all I'am telling you right now :). Since Ana helped cook up the whole thing (and she is good at that, right?), I asked her to photograph my necklaces. Her food photos are always stunning and inspiring to me anyhow and I was convinced that she is the right person for that. I was wright, don't you think?
I would love to hear your opinion about the necklaces and all this project too. So please let me know what do you think?