Se tudi vam zdi, da se je leto prehitro začelo? Januar je skoraj pri koncu jaz pa še niti začela nisem uresničevat svojih novoletnih obljub. Res imam visoka pričakovanja od tele 13-ke, mogoče sem zato tako pikolovska. Pa prva polovica meseca je bila obupna, moj prehlad se je vlekel še od praznikov naprej.
Me je pa zato pred parimi dnevi razveselila pošta. Prišlo je moje rojstnodnevno darilo, print granatnega jabolka od Anek. Dolgo sem si ga želela in zdaj je tu. Rada imam granatna jabolka, ker me spominjajo na otroštvo, vedno jih je bilo v izobilju. Kasneje so prihajali v paketih, ki jih je pošiljal moj oče, skupaj s suhimi figami in čokolado.
Na moji nočni omarici-mizici me je lepo presenetila in razveselila Hiacinta. Končno se je odprla, sem mislila, da mi ne bo uspela. Morala bi biti bela, pa si je nekje vmes očitno premislila in zdaj imam modro. Nad njo visi lovilec sanj, ki sem si ga kupila na Božičnem Art marketu pri Little Amber. A poznate to punco? Njeni izdelki so nekaj nadvse finega in delikatnega, meni se zdi zelo nadarjena.
In še pogled skozi okno moje spalnice, ki je najlepši. Na oknu je moja "special occasion" torbica, ki jo redko nosim, je pa krasna dekoracija. Poleg je pa Anina ogrlica o kateri sem pisala že tukaj.
To so te male stvari, ki me razveseljujejo. Kaj pa vas spravlja v dobro voljo, me prav firbec matra?
Do you also think that the year started too fast? January is almost over now and I have not even started implementing my New Year's promises. I do have high expectations from this year ( it is 13, right!), so I'm probably a bit unpetient when things do not go as I planed them. The first half of the month was awful, my cold has dragged on since holidays.
But a few days ago I recived a happy mail that made my day. There was my birthday present, pomegranate print from Anek. I wanted that print for long time and now it is here, waiting to be framed. I love Pomegranates, because they remind me of my childhood. Later on they came in the packages sent by my father, always along with dried figs and chocolate.
But a few days ago I recived a happy mail that made my day. There was my birthday present, pomegranate print from Anek. I wanted that print for long time and now it is here, waiting to be framed. I love Pomegranates, because they remind me of my childhood. Later on they came in the packages sent by my father, always along with dried figs and chocolate.
I was pretty surprised and delighted by Hiacinta, wich started to bloom right there on my bedside table. Finally! It supposed to be white dough, but it is blue and I do not mind it now. Above it I hanged the dream catcher that I bought from Little Amber at the Christmas Art Market. Do you know this girl? Her items are so fine and delicate and i find her very talented.
And finally a look through my bedroom window. I love that look. I hang my "special occasion" purse on that window. I rarely wear it, but it is a great looking thing and lovely decoration. It matches well with my gray necklace from Ana, don't you think?
These are the little things that make me happy right now. I'm curious to find out what puts you in a good mood theese days?