Ste si že ogledali Pop-up dom? No, če niste, predlagam, da pohitite, saj bo na ogled le en mesec. Mladi, drzni in nadarjeni oblikovalci so v Ljubljani najeli krasno stanovanje, ga opremili in nam ga postavili na ogled. Povem vam, da vam bo jemalo sapo od številnih lepih predmetov, ki so tam seveda tudi naprodaj. Preden zaprejo vrata (18.11.2012) pa bodo organizirali še dražbo za preostale kose.
Jaz sem si že malo zacahnala krasno luč, ki jo je oblikovala Nuša Jelenc, žal vam je ne morem pokazat, ker sem jo v navalu navdušenja in premišljevanja o tem, kako bi se podala nad našo jedilno mizo, pozabila fotografirati. Nisem pa pozabila na našega malega kuharja in sem mu kupila knjigo Namazi za mizo, ki je opremljena z ilustracijami Mete Wraber. Knjigo mu bo prinesel Božiček, medtem jo bom pa jaz naskrivaj špegala.
Something beautiful and naughty poped up ito life of my familly and this is the main reason I'm not spending very much time around computer. I hardly wait to tell and show you more, but you'll have to wait till next post hire ;).
There is annual Month of design in Ljubljana right now and I went to peek into Pop-up Home. A group of bold and talented young Slovenian designers rented a beautiful flat and decorated it with their own designs. There is a lot of great loking stuff there and the best part is that they are on sale. I really love the idea and think we should support them by buying something nice. I set my eyes on great pendant light for our dinning table, designed by Nuša Jelenc, but unfortunately I forgot to take a picture. I allso bought a cook book illustrated by talented Meta Wraber. It is going to be a Christmas gift for my son Natan, but meanwhile I'm peeking in it.