fotografija c-urchin , flickr |
Dragi moji, danes sem celo popoldne likala in pakirala. To opravilo sicer sovražim, ampak moram reči, da mi je šlo tokrat odlično od rok. Več dejavnikov se je moralo magično združiti, da je prišlo do tega nenavadnega preobrata. Ad primum, otroci so šli k babici, kjer bodo tudi prespali, kar pomeni prost večer. Ad secundum, sama sem bila doma in to imam zelo rada, najbrž zato, ker je redko. In še tretji dejavnik, najpomembnejši pravzaprav, je težko pričakovani odhod na morje. Jap, jutri se odpravimo :).
Današnji popoldan je bil odličen uvod v vesel in ležeren dopust. Muziko sem privila do roba dovoljenega in ker se odpravljamo v Dalmacijo, sem med drugim poslušala tudi tole. Ja, ja ...saj kaj pol :).
Mislim, da se bom tokrat čisto odklopila, zato vam maham v pozdrav in se vidimo čez 14 dni.
P. S.: Še pojasnilo naslova objave. To je nekaj, kar doma rečemo, kadar smo veseli in če se kdo kam odpravlja.
Dear frends I was packing and ironing all afternoon. Normaly I hate to do that, but this time it was different, actually I enjoyed it. There were several factors that had to click together. First of all, the kids are went to my mums place and they will spend the night there. The second reason is funny, I was home alone, wich is quite rare so it is mpre precious to me. And the last fact is that we are off to seaside tomorrow, finaly :).
This afternoon was great itroduction into leisurely holidays. The music was laud and since we are traveling to Dalmatia I was listening this kind of music.
I´am going to be unpluged for the next 14 days, so I wawe you goodbye.
P.S. This title, if you are wondering, what the hell does it mean, it is a prhrase wich we (my familly) use when we are happy and if someone is leaving somewhere nice.
fotografija c-urchin, flickr |