Dragi prijatelji, zadnje čase sem vam tukaj pogosto pisala o tem, kako hitim
skozi življenje in kako mi zmanjkuje časa za blog in celo za šivanje. Težko sem
čakala, da vam povem in še vedno malo plaho, pa vendar tudi ponosno pokažem
prve korake. Zavod lab laar je skupni projekt s prijateljico Majo. Ona je
popolna antropologinja, jaz nepopolna umetnostna zgodovinarka, obe pa sva
navdušeni nad rokodelstvom, idejo socialnega podjetništva, iskanjem novih kreativnih
procesov dela in reinterpretacijo kulturne dediščine na čisto nov in svež
Laar je kratica, pomeni pa laboratorij za atraktivno in alternativno
rokodelstvo. Ime je nastalo s pomočjo prijatelja
Igorja, kreativca
in oglaševalca. Midve sva se čisto predolgo vrteli okrog tega problema, potem
pa sva na pomoč poklicali Igorja, ki je predlagal ravno prav duhovito, primerno
kratko in lepo zveneče ime. Tudi logotip je prispevek dragega prijatelja
Andreja. Tako lepo počasi
z veliko entuziazma in dobre volje najbližjih, pri tem ne smem pozabiti še
Urbana in Vesne, ki nama vsak na svoj način pomagata, nastaja nekaj novega in zanimivega.
Laar je še mladiček, ki pa pridno raste in prav kmalu se nam bo pridružila
laar shop ter spletna stran. V trgovini bi radi predstavljali
kvalitetne, sodobne in ročno narejene izdelke predvsem domačih, kasneje pa tudi
tujih oziroma sosednjih držav. Že na samem začetku sva se z Majo vrgli v razburkano
morje in tako krmariva med razpisi, administrativnimi opravki, pripravami za
trgovinico in decembrskim vznemirjenjem.
Tako, zdaj veste, zakaj sem tako malo šivala in blogala manj kot običajno.
Zelo vesela bom, dragi moji, če boste lajkali in delili
laarovo FB stran,
tako da jo bo videlo čim več ljudi in se bo glas o bodoči novi trgovinici
razširil čim dlje. To bom razumela kot vašo prijateljsko podporo in
naklonjenost projektu. Komaj čakam tudi na vaša mnenja in komentarje, saj veste
kako je, malo sva še negotovi in sramežljivi:). Vesela bom tako dobronamernih
kritik, kot tudi vaših morebitnih predlogov ali idej. Kdo ve, mogoče se pa naše
poti kdaj prepletejo še kako drugače kot na blogu. Povezovanja in kreativna
sodelovanja so mi zelo ljuba in še posebno pomembna se mi zdijo za tako majhno
okolje, kot je Slovenija.Skupaj smo močnejši, kajne?
Jaz pa vam obljubim, da bom z vami redno in sproti delila vse novosti in
morebitne dileme.
friends, lately I hav often wrote you hire about how I hurry through
life and how I'm running out of time to blog and even sewing. I hardly waited to tell you about what is going on. I'm still a little shy, but also proud to show you the first steps. Institute lab Laar is a joint project with my friend Maja. She
is a complete anthropologist, I'm imperfect art historian,
we are both interested about crafts, we love the idea of social entrepreneurship, finding
new creative work processes and reinterpretation of cultural heritage in
brand new and fresh way.
Laar is an acronym that means a laboratory for attractive and alternative crafts. The name is created with the help of a friend, Igor who is very creative person and advertiser. We'had so much problems finding the right name, then we call on the help of
Igor, who suggested just enough humorous, appropriate short and
nice-sounding name. Even the logo is a contribution dear friend Andrej. So
nice and easy with a lot of enthusiasm and good will of loved ones, we managed to create something new and interesting. I must not forget to mention Urban and Vesna, they suport and help us in their own way as much as they can.
Laar is still a baby that is eager to grow and soon we will open annaunced laar shop and website. In
the store we would like to represent quality, contemporary and
handmade products mainly domestic, and later foreign or neighboring
countries. From
the very beginning we started to work hard on this project and there is still much to do, administrative work, preparations for shop and other things
So, now you know why I have sew so little and bloged less than usual.
very happy, my dear, if you lake and share laars FB page so that
it will be seen by as many people and the voice of the future new shop reach as far as possible. I'll take that as your friendly support and affection to a project. I can't wait for your feedback and comments, because you know how it is, we're still a little unsure and shy :). I will be happy to hear well-intentioned criticism, as well as any of your suggestions or ideas. Who knows, maybe one day our paths will crossed otherwise than on the blog. Creative
integration and cooperation are very dear to me and I think that is especially
important for such a small environment, such as Slovenia.We are stronger together, right?